Unlike the other officers, most notably Yossarian and Hungry Joe, Aarfy does not outwardly show any signs of lust in the novel.
Forever the purveyors of the super hip, Factory attracted a crowd 'too cool' to outwardly show any emotion.
Loss and regret pulled at Spock so strongly that he could not deny their existence; all he could do was keep them from showing outwardly.
Riker felt himself tense up, and hoped it didn't show outwardly.
She stiffened against showing outwardly her repugnance but rage rose icily within her.
Shahkhia prayed that he was not showing outwardly the rising panic he felt inside.
If she mourned inwardly it did not show outwardly.
Few outwardly showed support for the strike and the lawyer who took the women's case, John Mack, lost his position as county chair of the Republican Party.
Each one of them has a crush on Colonel Mullen and outwardly show their jealousy of Leen as a result.
If you'll follow me . . . " He led the way toward the exit, allowing no trace of his inner indignation to show outwardly.