This includes domestic and imported brands - Taiwan'sing to show their muscle.
Only Argentina got more than a few symbolic convictions - and even those criminals were pardoned after the military repeatedly showed its muscle.
Well, we had a run-in with those boys, sort of calmed 'em down when they were about to show their muscle.
In recent years it has shown its well-developed political muscle in major projects all over town.
The other two assistant chiefs are starting to show their muscle around here.
It is clear that we have also shown our economic muscle there to put pressure on the regime.
On the other hand, it often made a point of showing its muscle to Parliament.
When China wanted to show its economic muscle, it canceled some contracts with a suitably small country.
So: Do we sit and wait, or do we show them our muscle?
We hoped we could just turn up and show our muscle and say 'let's talk.'