The museum has distinguished itself with shows of artists and others who deal with important social movements and periods that have affected black people.
Several times a year, he organizes shows of other artists, turning the apartment's 1,000-square-foot living room into the Tattfoo Gallery.
The center's latest show of emerging artists focuses on schematic drawing.
He also functioned as secretary of the gallery and helped organize many of the shows of French artists.
He helped organise international shows of black artists and wrote influential manifestos.
"Black Male" was mostly a show of young, art-school-vetted artists by a very young curator.
She decided to put together a show of "unofficial" Russian artists, studying books and catalogues for references.
There, in a series of undistinguished rooms, is Hebert's own work, along with temporary shows of other artists.
The gallery also has a show of contemporary African-American artists through June 1.
I passed by a cultural center yesterday where there will be a show of young artists.