The show juxtaposes work by established masters like Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg with newcomers like the Starn Twins and Meg Webster.
One show, "Double Vision," juxtaposes video pieces by Stan Douglas of Canada and Douglas Gordon of Scotland; both works use side-by-side projections and are continuously screened in large, dark rooms.
The show also juxtaposes real experts in the field regarding the various topics.
This show juxtaposes paintings from two widely separated periods in the distinguished career of one of the last still-active members of the original Abstract Expressionist generation.
The show juxtaposes one of H. Q. Bellocq's turn-of-the-century images of young prostitutes in New Orleans with Ms. Fellman's "First Kiss (After Bellocq)" of 1985.
His show at the Gagosian, which runs through Feb. 28, juxtaposes large stainless-steel models of bridges with bullets cast in 24-karat gold, archetypes of patient construction and instant destruction.
This show instructively juxtaposes abstract paintings from the 1950's and the 90's.
These shows juxtapose the then and now of Mr. Schnabel's legendary broken-plate paintings, which heralded the onset of the ego-drenched 1980's art world.
The show juxtaposes Italian postwar design with American folk-art objects.
The show juxtaposes works by Leger and Arp, on the one hand, and on the other hand, late sculptures by Giacometti and paintings from the 1920's and 30's by Mondrian.