According to the network, the show has been pulled from its Thursday night slot, and replaced, for now, by...
During the summer of 1975, the show was replaced by a program called Sunny Days.
In 2005, the show was cancelled and replaced with Freestyle.
The show closed in 2006 and has since been replaced by Wicked.
Both shows were replaced with the Auckland based breakfast show in 2000.
On July 31, 2007, the show longtime hosts were replaced due to some differences.
In the interim, our current shows will be replaced by two programs, from October the 2nd to the 29th.
Some shows, including critically panned sitcoms, were tried and then replaced over the years.
National trends shifted, however, and in 1970, the show was replaced by a talk program for the adult audience.
But only marginal shows are replaced temporarily; the hits need to stay on the air.