Italian architects, for instance, showed relative restraint in the use of glass, an iconic modern material.
He showed the influence of Boiardo, especially in the use of fantasy.
As well, it shows no special aptitude in the use of the thought-controlled tools and seems completely unfamiliar with the things.
The type 1 diabetes example shows the inherent difficulty in the use of linkage analysis alone to cipher risk.
German conservatism is shown in the late use of gold backgrounds, still used by many artists well into the 15th century.
This showed a very clear seasonal trend in the use of annex setts.
The department's study said this was evidence that training had encouraged officers to show restraint in the use of their weapons.
The depths of political disagreement on this issue were shown in the use of language.
As will be shown in the use by this state of its own citizen's in the coming economic, social and political struggles.
He shows his ability in the use of language, with word-play and fantastic and real characters.