The 1910 census shows the Jenningses in the house with three Swedish servants; they remained there until 1938.
No lights showed in the house.
The image shows the family in the house, with each member in his or her own bubble of solitude, writing, playing the guitar or doing restoration work.
Not a single light showed in the house or in the quarters.
He produced a diagram showing the position of the Senator's bedroom in the house, and how it opened onto the front lawn.
He called seeing the uncooperative shade painted on one front window "a lovely surprise," something that showed the life in the house.
It was pitch dark and no lights showed in the house.
In the butler's pantry we were shown one of the many electrical outlets in the house that generated air for an internal vacuum-cleaning system.
The cat is shown in the house, as Piper bursts through the door, asking for a spell to get rid of a warlock.