He ignored these comments and showed the scene in modern dress.
An early picture shows her in a wide-brimmed black hat and white dress owned by Sarah.
The 22-second video showed Carroll sitting in a chair behind a large floral pattern, in full Islamic dress.
They are of extremely high quality, the women shown in opulent dress and jewelry - testimony to their standard of living.
They are anxious to belong, and it shows in their tastes, dress and habits.
In mosaics and icons, he is most often shown in military dress from the 6th century, but sometimes in civilian or court dress.
Each could indeed have been described as a real beauty, and not one showed less than the best taste in dress and grooming.
Faded wartime film shows little Simeon, in military dress, reviewing Bulgarian soldiers with his uncle, the regent.
Ms. Kabukuru is not shown in African dress.
This affinity is shown in the cuisine, dress and temple architecture.