Some women who carry the defective gene for the disease also show mental impairment.
These patients show impairment in the use of internal attentional strategies which are required for intention retrieval.
Long-term memory, large capacity able to retain information over long periods of time, does however show impairment in the case of depressed individuals.
Individuals with autism commonly show impairment in three main areas of executive functioning:
With a blood alcohol count of 0.08, all drivers, even experienced ones, show impairment in driving ability.
Among 15 other patients with the actual disease, 13 showed neurological or psychological impairment.
If additional studies then show impairment of the park, the plan for the road could still be scrapped.
As a general rule, he said, "urine shows use; blood shows impairment."
Patients with left lesions show further increased impairment.
By the end of his first quadrennium as Bishop, his health showed serious impairment and continued to decline.