Fancy it, denouncing a man who had shown such honesty.
It looks for writing that shows "literary bravery and honesty".
His musical performance clearly shows his efforts, honesty and devotion towards music.
Telling them the truth like my first example shows honesty and shows that you tried to stay productive.
His actions showed his simplicity and honesty which he carried forth throughout his life.
"Which only shows her honesty and that she had good reasons for her convictions and will stand by them openly."
They are known to bond with humans if they show honesty and friendship.
He set up a silk weaving business where he showed scrupulous honesty and fairness.
Both trailing and leading candidates have shown incredible strength and honesty, something the American people have not seen in three years from the current administration.
You will only do that if you show these qualities: clarity, leadership, honesty and humility.