However, it (quite deliberately) was shown in U.S. cinemas for only two days, in contrast to the lengthy engagements which most roadshow films were granted.
"And what do we have to show for our four hundred and three days?"
They only show for two days each turn, when the sun is brightest.
The film's box office run in the US ended August 26, 2010, bringing its total domestic gross to $10,363,341, after showing for 947 days.
Several others were lent with the understanding that they would be shown for only 40 days at a time.
The site will show the selected marketer's ads for three days, then show no ads for the rest of the month.
Another 117 were cleared for normal production after their milk samples showed levels of less than 50 parts of lead per billion for three successive days.
However, after only being shown for four days, the film prints were confiscated due to a legal battle over copyright.
In Dynmouth the antiquated and inadequately heated Essoldo showed the same film for seven days at a time and the shops were totally uninteresting.
We flew him up, showed him around for two or three days and he agreed to me that he would come here, we shook hands.