"This action showed disloyalty which the armed forces could no longer tolerate," General Sunthorn said.
One who has shown disloyalty to the Church should have been defrocked.
Zhao Gao continued to push the emperor to find associates with loyalty and punish those who show disloyalty with more severe penalties.
There are patriots and those who show disloyalty to the central government.
When General Agamemnon created his armies of neo-cymeks, he was afraid they might show disloyalty, so he installed a kill switch in their preservation canisters.
Those who show disloyalty or challenge the regime are rarely arrested, but they suddenly lose their perks and face police or tax harassment.
It shows great disloyalty to their party to join the sworn enemies in calling for the head [of Santorum].
The Socialists and its allies decided to show disloyalty, only because they realized that their contribution might be voted down by a majority vote of a democratically elected government.
There were other demonstrations when Germans showed disloyalty during the Polish-Bolshevik war as the Red Army announced the return to the prewar borders of 1914.
They believe I have shown disloyalty to Shai and through her, to Ceel.