Photographs of each scene, made shortly after the ballet's premiere, show costumed dancers on stage.
The pastel, which showed dancers taking a curtain call, doubled its low estimate of $3.5 million.
They showed different dancers all the time, good and bad.
The best of the 10 short sections is a film showing an older woman, a child and dancers in the country or on a beach.
Each sequence was preceded by slide projections showing great Spanish dancers of the past.
The accompanying video shows the performers and several female dancers against a backdrop of special effects.
He showed dancers how to jump an extra measure higher and not to be afraid of the grand manner.
But she does so without obvious didacticism by showing dancers moving harmoniously both as individuals and as members of groups.
It also show featured dancers, such as Kate Reese.
Several scenes show dancers and a model of a transmitter atop a planet.