That player could have jumped to three clubs, a routine move to show very long, strong clubs and game interest.
Horrible man who shows other clubs and players of other clubs disrespect.
North bid one heart and reversed into spades when his partner showed clubs.
"Bournemouth last year showed clubs like us what can be achieved with a smaller budget by getting into the play-offs."
East doubled to show clubs, and South accepted the transfer by bidding three diamonds.
Kopera as South indicated 3-5-1-4 distribution by showing hearts and clubs before supporting spades.
But East thought that his partner's double showed clubs, and passed.
South thought he had shown clubs and diamonds by his later doubles.
South's bid of three clubs, the fourth suit, did not necessarily show clubs.
In the auction shown, a hypothetical one, East shows clubs, intending to support hearts later, which he does.