The abbreviated show causes angry fans to riot in the streets of Montreal.
The show caused a hype all over Greece, with producers packaging and selling olive leaves in the markets.
This show in particular has caused great controversy among viewers as it offers content completely unrelated to music.
But "the show causes people to look at themselves," Mr. Tergesen said.
The cattlemen said the show caused cattle prices to drop, costing them millions of dollars.
This show, too, might easily cause shock, vomiting, confusion, panic, euphoria and anxiety.
The show caused enough of an outcry that at least one website has been created to refute Turner's claims.
Since then, despite being scaled back, the show has caused an alarming buzz around the museum, like an approaching V-1.
However, the show caused significant disruption to neighbouring tenants, resulting in a loss of the lease on M6.
The show caused debate in Parliament about the public funding of such events.