This show, which runs through Saturday, will appeal to the demographic known as children of all ages.
This show should appeal not only to bird and flower connoisseurs, but also to ceramists.
Network executives were so concerned that the show might appeal only to female viewers that they considered changing the title.
If you don't ask much besides action, the show may appeal to you.
He said the show would appeal even to toddlers, becoming "part of the big stew of everything they know."
"It's such a huge subject, we're hoping the show will appeal to a lot of different people."
Unlike the original version, this show did not appeal to younger viewers and it was canceled after only seven episodes.
For those who like their countrysides relaxed and noninvasive, this show will appeal.
This decision meant that the show appealed to all age groups and started to gain popularity.
These shows appeal to audiences in two very different ways.