In addition, these seedlings actually show increased accumulation of membrane fatty acids relative to seedlings grown continuously on 0.03 M glucose.
These observations were supported by ex vivo experiments showing accumulation of hemoglobin in the parasites treated with artemisinin and inhibition of hemozoin formation by malaria parasites.
In that case, barium swallow may show an air, air-fluid levels or oral contrast media accumulation within these areas.
We do not know why the same mutant allele, recC73 , shows more accumulation in V66 background than in AB1157 background in a reproducible manner (Figures 2Aand 2B).
Histology of tissues will show accumulation of prion in the central nervous system, and immunohistochemical staining and ELISA can also be used to demonstrate the protein.
Longitudinal studies using skinfold thickness and MRI scanning of adipose tissue during pregnancy and lactation consistently show fat accumulation in the thigh and buttocks regions during pregnancy, with mobilization from these areas postpartum.
The abdominal plain films of these patients showed abnormal accumulation of gastrointestinal gas, dilated loops of the small and large bowel, with occasional air-fluid values.
TN-C knockout mice show decreased accumulation of FN in wounded tissue and this decrease has been hypothesized to be due to disrupted incorporation on FN into the matrix in the absence of TN-C [ 32 33 ] .