Theba currently has a recurring role as Principal Figgins in the show Glee.
The TV commercial was broadcast during the teen show Glee and received 13 viewer complaints.
Coulton's cover was then covered, without attribution, in 2013 by the show Glee, and was so similar that Coulton, among others, alleged plagiarism of his mix.
Letterman's next guest, Lea Michele, who's in the cast of the new show "Glee," is twenty-three years old.
Melissa Benoist who plays Marley Rose on the hit show Glee is also from Littleton.
Inspired by the show Glee.
Hyman agreed, and wrote, "When he ducked into the studio and started dancing by himself, without music, it reminded me of how special a show Glee can be".
Dianna Agron, who plays Quinn Fabray in the hit show Glee, covered the song in 2012.
The episode had guest appearances by Wilmer Valderrama and cast members of the show Glee.
He is best known for his role as Jeff, one of the Dalton Academy Warblers on Fox's hit show Glee.