Cesca let them shout comments for a while without any rules of order, before she seized control of the meeting again by raising her voice.
Begun last February, the program has allowed the women to break a few rules of behavior like shouting provocative comments and dancing wildly.
Inside the theater, the young men became loud and rowdy, shouting comments at the screen, and eventually patrons complained.
Other skiers came gliding past, shouting greetings and cheerful comments about the state of the trail.
Officers also sang lewd songs and shouted abusive comments at female guests, the Marine officer said.
The impertinence of some was disgraceful, shouting questions and comments at me as if I were some circus animal fit only to be provoked.
The congressmen laughed nervously and shouted comments to each other above the background noise.
Darby shouts racist comments, and Unser asks him if he knows that he's married to a "dark-skinned woman".
Now taboo, too, the recruits said, are shouting arguments, fistfights and rude comments to strangers.
He frequently shouted derisive comments toward their bench during a 106-86 victory in which he scored 24 of his 29 points in the first half.