With his square jaw, gray flattop, piercing blue eyes, square nose, and broad shoulders tapering to thin ankles, Roman Smoliy looked like he had been cast for a Hollywood movie.
Brett was suddenly struck by how Mermanlike Bushka appeared - powerful shoulders tapering to sinewy, almost delicate hands.
He was a big man, broad shoulders tapering to lean hips and long legs, was dressed in black and carried an iron-tipped ebony quarterstaff.
His body was magnificent, toned and muscled, broad shoulders tapering to a narrow waist and flat belly.
Gigantic humpbacked shoulders, tapering to narrow flanks behind, supported massive woolly heads bearing enormous black horns that spanned well over a yard in mature animals.
Just the sight of those bare broad shoulders tapering into a narrow waist and firm, unmistakably male buttocks left her gasping.
The lighting dimmed back to red to reveal a man who was like no other - strong arms, broad shoulders tapering to a formed chest and then a slender waist.
Muscled, broad at the shoulder, tapering to the waist, with all that smooth, tasty skin between.
Murray's physique became the standard against which professional female bodybuilders are now judged - an hourglass figure, with broad shoulders tapering into a V-shaped torso mirrored by a proportionally-developed lower body.
The male moves to the front of the group, with a huge head and muscle-bound shoulders tapering to leaner hips.