Then he drew the narrow shoulders erect and swallowed hard.
Yet he kept his shoulders erect, his head high, too proud to permit physical disability to rob him of dignity.
Body crouched forward, but with shoulders erect, the intruder used a peculiar mode of stealth as he crept across the living room.
Arms akimbo, shoulders erect, her head raised in a hauteur that suited the disdain her features registered, Mata Safi began a slow tour of the niches where the prisoners were segregated.
He opened the blinds on the window and stared at the crypts in St. Peter's Cemetery for a long time, his shoulders erect to compensate for the way his stomach protruded over his belt.
He watched them from the shadows, his hands in the lap of his fawn-colored suit pants, his shoulders erect.
Bradley usually stands with self-assurance, his shoulders erect.
He was smiling slightly, his shoulders erect and easy, his head high, all trace of fatigue and weakness erased.
Pulling his shoulders erect, he raised one hand for attention.
As he entered the Abbey the Prince handed over his gloves and peaked cap, glanced nervously into a television camera, shot a strained look at Prince Harry then walked up the aisle, his back straight, shoulders erect.