An Episcopal minister, his shoulders draped by a canonical stole, spoke in hushed tones over the coffin that was layered in wilted carnations and long-stemmed roses.
The braid hung down from his head, across his shoulder and chest, draped like a thick hemp rope that twitched and flickered with faint nerve impulses of its own.
Both beach and restaurant are named Playa Rosa The guests, a whirl of slender shoulders draped in shawls, clinked glasses of red wine and margaritas in a scene that could easily have been airlifted in from a fashion show afterparty in New York or London.
The pillar coalesced into shoulders draped with fabric, a broad torso clad in stiff metallic fiber.
Milica Berdovic, 16, her shoulders draped with a sheet to protect her from the water that was about to be poured over her head, held a thin yellow candle in one hand.
Webber woke him, her hard features framed in the square doorway, her shoulders draped in the heavy military blanket taped across the entrance.
Looking out of the corners of his eyes, he saw her ample shoulders draped in white, the back of her head, with the hair done for the night in three plaits tied up with black tapes at the ends.
Before she reached it, it was blocked by the scarecrow, looming up with Prince Justin hung across its shoulders, still draped in Sophie's lace shawl.
He wasn't pacing, wasn't fidgeting, but simply standing, looking at her, almost eye-to-eye with her, a head shorter than any of his guards, princely in an alien way with his shoulders draped by a dusty dark purple cloak.