A9 Man Charged With Killing 4 A man was charged with murder in the shotgun slayings of four members of his adoptive family in Memphis.
The bloodshed included the shotgun slayings of three rival captains and the execution of a mobster who vouched for FBI undercover Brasco in the 1980s.
The defendant will stand trial first in the shotgun slaying of Keith Donaghy, 30.
The inmate was executed at Oklahoma State Penitentiary here for his conviction in the the 1979 shotgun slaying of John Seward in Muskogee.
Prosecutors say the gruesome shotgun slayings were prompted by the brothers' greedy hurry to collect their parents' $14 million fortune.
Instead, the shotgun slaying of Sgt. John Young is getting the political treatment from four San Francisco supervisors more interested in rhetoric than healing justice.
He was charged with second-degree murder and attempted robbery in the shotgun slaying of Ivan McIntyre, 17 years old, of Rochester.
- Robert Sullivan, electrocuted on Nov. 30, 1983 in Florida for the shotgun slaying of a restaurant assistant manager.
Hendrix's opponent for City Council is Gary Flakes, a 32-year-old man who was "convicted of being an accessory to murder in the 1997 shotgun slayings of two teenage boys."
Three young men were convicted yesterday of the shotgun slaying of a Queens grand jury witness in a case that raised public fears about the security of witnesses.