His own shots punched through the windshield of the other car and caught the gunner full in the chest.
The pistol levelled and a single shot punched Lewis from his feet.
Two more shots punched him from his feet and he fell back into the fire which blazed around his hair.
Thomas grabbed for his pistol, but a single shot punched him from his feet.
I remember that his three shots punched in between ours with peculiar precision.
The shot went into the car at an upward angle and punched through the windshield.
The third shot had punched through the side of the turret.
It rang home to Diane, just as the shots had punched away on that fatal night.
Bullets were no good against them except maybe silver ones - but a shot between the eyes would punch that Straker's ticket, all right.
The shot punched through the centre of the knight's forehead.