He was shot to death by police on 14 March 2008, following a manhunt in which two law enforcement agents were injured.
Ceauşescu's government was overthrown in December 1989, and he was shot following a televised two-hour session by a military court.
Companys was shot in 1940, following conviction for "military rebellion", after being returned from France by the Gestapo.
A controversial black Islamic leader and at least one other other person were shot Sunday following a speech on a California campus, authorities said.
A controversial black Islamic speaker and three other people were shot Sunday following a speech on a California campus, authorities said.
In a separate incident, Travis' mother Suzy was shot and killed following an escape in 2001.
The video is shot following Jon Hume (lead singer) around in close up, making his way underground in a very hazy state.
Soon after, she finds out that Val has been shot following a violent protest at the trial of a rape victim.
Wilson was shot and killed following an altercation with other youths near Simeon.
Though the magazine's circulation has shot up 20% following their dramatic articles, they have yet to find a single shred of evidence backing up their stories.