The people of the city shut the gates and shot arrows at them from the walls.
You will return like the shot arrow, Like the first dove.
Tourists often carved their names into trees and shot arrows into them.
They surrounded the small party of Castiles, and some shot arrows from the cover of the lodges.
Then she was off like a shot arrow speeding to a target - the target being one of the log houses.
Richard strapped on a simple leather bracer Savidlin had made for him along with the bow, and shot arrows until his headache was gone.
On the beach they hunted shells or played German dodgeball, or shot arrows across the dunes into blocks of foam.
Jeekie very good shot, stone, spear, arrow, or gun, all same to him.
Many shot arrows back at the ridge despite no hope of making the range.
The dead pursued and shot arrows at them as they flew back home.