Game six is a shorthand reference to a sixth game of a sports playoff series.
It may be a shorthand reference for a dominance hierarchy.
A shorthand reference to release 3.1 of some piece of software, such as Windows 3.1x.
GS2 may be a shorthand reference to:
Or as in, "ground zero mosque," the shorthand reference for the Islamic community center planned two blocks to the north.
He sat in patient silence as lawyers explained to clients what shorthand references to various codes and regulations meant in practical terms.
Eventually the name of Ay became a shorthand reference to refer to all the wines of the Champagne region.
The Soviet regime used the term as a shorthand reference to Jews and others who emigrated.
Rockefeller College may be taken as a shorthand reference to:
All use hyperlinks, which allow them to make a shorthand reference to an issue, then, via links, send the reader to the appropriate position paper.