He hit the shortcut button, *8, and suddenly the sound of a fight filled the room.
Sliding the unit open reveals a full QWERTY Keyboard, and various shortcut buttons for features such as the camera, speakerphone, web browser, email, etc.
Easy access to emails, SMS / MMS and call logs is provided through shortcut buttons.
Furthermore, it's also short-sighted to assume that the same set of shortcut buttons should be on every window.
Players must select a target for each weapon individually, but there are shortcut buttons to make this easier.
There isn't a shortcut button for it, but it's still there.
Some of the Finder window toolbar's large shortcut buttons have been remapped to match the new directory structure in Public Beta.
The keypad also features two shortcut buttons, letting users jump to the "Friends" screen and "Message Box" on the XMB during game play.
For example, Motorola markets a Bluetooth keyboard for the Xoom, which includes shortcut buttons for launching some of its built-in apps like Gmail.
The Launcher, a Control Panel containing shortcut buttons for frequently used programs (in a manner akin to the OS X Dock)