She begins dating a struggling artist, Mike, and has a emotionally complex but short-lived relationship with him.
The song was based on her disappointment following a short-lived relationship with a member of a popular singing duo.
In the fifth season, following years of romantic interests, she appears to finally obtain a fulfilling but short-lived relationship.
Ricky and Steve: He's had a couple of short-lived relationships but never got married.
If "heartbreak" from each of her short-lived relationships is what works for her, then so be it!
Another point to ponder: This will not be a short-lived relationship.
The union did so, but did not relinquish any significant amount of its autonomy during what proved to be a short-lived relationship.
She has a short-lived relationship with Jack Deveraux that never really gets off the ground.
He is known to have many short-lived relationships, and his family has criticized him for falling in love too fast.
Fearing rejection or betrayal by men, many became involved at an early age in short-lived sexual relationships, sometimes with older men.