It was, in other words, a short-lived movement with lasting and wide-ranging consequences.
Brown became a leader in the short-lived mid-1950s movement to turn Alaska into a commonwealth rather than a state.
In 1911, there was a short-lived movement to make the Bahamas part of Canada.
Meanwhile, the short-lived Know-Nothing movement declined and the American Party began to fall apart.
Vorticism was a short-lived modernist movement in British art and poetry of the early 20th century.
And there was a short-lived movement to broaden the company's mandate by presenting rarely heard Gershwin musicals.
New Times was a short-lived intellectual movement among leftists in Great Britain.
Feeling disenchanted with the organization, he formed a small and short-lived breakaway movement.
Earle concludes, "In 1948 there was a short-lived but lively movement for economic union with the United States."
Like many short-lived, enthusiastic or revivalistic movements, this one died out by early 1901.