The sheriff noted that Cranston was guiding the craft with a short paddle.
There are several of them beached there; it is only a short paddle from that side of the point.
Their short paddles flashed like meteors in the water, and sent up a constant shower of spray.
The short paddle and quick mule ride was so much fun the forty--niners called it the Road to Hell.
Some of them attacked the pirates, splintering the short paddles with their heavier blades.
The Shadow used a short paddle at the stern of the boat, while Ted sat in the bow.
It can involve short paddles with a return to the starting point (or "put-in"), or expeditions covering many miles and days.
If you're short and not so strong, you'll want a shorter and lighter paddle.
Zavala had located a short wooden paddle to use as a cane and was thumping about the deck like Long John Silver.
However, the numerous access lakes on the river allow it to be broken down into shorter paddles.