Everybody in the town continues with their daily lives after a short lapse of time apart from Professor Laurana.
Nowadays similar courses are held with the same assumptions, in a shorter lapse of time and larger classrooms, and focused on continuous improvement.
It is done entirely in black and white, with a few short lapses into color where the lanterns glow orange.
As things turned out, the short lapse of time in this case almost certainly proved crucial.
After a short lapse, the officers arose with one accord and charged.
This happens even over much shorter lapses of time and can go on indefinitely, as editors know all too well.
It was revived in 2001 after a short lapse in publication and again in 2005 after another, shorter one.
No notice being taken of the taps, the unseen visitor, after a short lapse, ventured to open the door and peep in.
In that immeasurable short lapse between realization and recognition, a thousand fears flashed through his mind.
For short lapses in satellite signal, at least, it continues to track your forward movement.