They began walking down the short driveway to the road where the buses went past.
He fastened it, then drove down and around into the short driveway leading to the garage door.
The third field had a short driveway, so we didn't have to charge the ditch.
Across the road from the school, drive down a short driveway toward the river (the east branch of the Croton).
Holly pulled into the short driveway and stopped the car.
Two miles along we turned into a short, trash-littered driveway.
"Here we are," Dan announced, pulling into a short gray driveway.
Jake walked slowly across the street and up the short driveway to the courthouse answering questions along me way.
It was reached by a short driveway and a flight of wooden steps.
At the end of the short driveway, with garden on each side, there is a gravelled parking area.