Sadly, due to refurbishment and a desire to create more shopping space, the kennels have been closed.
The renovation will turn the 800-room hotel into a 350-room one with 180 condominiums, apartments and shopping space.
Plans have been made in the past to turn the building into condominiums or shopping space, however none of these have occurred.
Altogether, more than two million square feet of new shopping space has opened there in the 1990's or is now under construction.
In the last 12 years alone, shopping space has increased 34 percent, to a total of more than 5 billion square feet.
That cavernous suburban shopping space is all but empty now.
The shopping space is spread over five levels with the total area of 2,62,000 sq ft. It has facility for parking more than 350 cars.
A typical suburban mall has five parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of shopping space.
It has one level of shopping space containing many high-end stores.
It provides three storeys of shopping space and boosted the local economy by providing 4,000 jobs.