When first seen, Rose is 19 years old and working in a shop named Henrik's.
However, another apprentice from another shop named Enrique, was also in love with her.
Then, this was called the baby-doll look, purveyed by a shop named Biba.
The younger Ms. Taylor likens her shop, named after a favorite aunt, to a time machine.
Tarves contains a shop named Adam Duthie and recently has contained a butcher and baker.
Their food circle has the shops named Potpourri, China Town, Marrybrown and Barista.
In telephone interviews, several owners of shops named in the new set of lawsuits said that they were innocent.
He has five older brothers who run a shop named Hiyokoya that sells weird objects like "live soap bubbles" and "tangle octopus."
The village has a shop named "Woods Village Stores" in the centre next to the B3178 road.
The word is of French origin, and shops named as such are common in France and Belgium.