Under the director's request, Los Angeles was picked as the shooting site due to budget concerns.
Later, the Mayor placed flowers at the shooting site and told a small crowd that the city would not retreat from the gains against crime.
This evening, in the early hours after the announcement, the blocks near the shooting site were tense, but quiet.
Now, they can access her Web site, bettyrankin.com, to take a look at photographs of potential shooting sites.
What he didn't say was that he still had the capsule Howard had found at the shooting site in his pocket.
Mr. Carter was a block from the shooting site and was unhurt.
The museum and its campus is one among the popular shooting sites for Malayalam film industry.
As they came back to the shooting site, they heard a voice protesting, "But we weren't really planning it that way."
Flags flew at half staff and people left mementos at the shooting site.
Their purpose would be to look at a shooting site from artistic, logistic and financial points of view.