On Friday, government buildings were attacked in one Rajasthan town, prompting the authorities to issue a shoot-on-sight order.
F.B.I. officials issued shoot-on-sight orders that advised agents that they "could and should" fire on any men they saw outside the Weaver cabin.
A later Senate report criticized the ROE as "virtual shoot-on-sight orders."
Unfortunately, Fleet has shoot-on-sight orders as concerns the rogue drop commando and her alpha synth, which forces Alicia to flee.
Officer Oliva said the shoot-on-sight order was still in effect, and that the threat was renewed as recently as this month.
The Pakistan Rangers announced shoot-on-sight orders against anyone inciting violence or arson, although attempts to avoid direct confrontation were maintained.
The army shootings were the first reported instances of soldiers using the shoot-on-sight orders issued Wednesday to prevent anti-Government demonstrations.
Television and radio announcements said that he was dangerous, and he heard that the police had shoot-on-sight orders.
The incident led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to issue what became known as his "shoot-on-sight" order.
"And you know there is a shoot-on-sight order on my desk for the Masked Rider right this minute, because I saw you looking it over!"