A few days after their arrival the captain and Cowell, the trading master, went ashore to shoot pigeons.
They shot pigeons belonging to villagers who kept them as domestic animals, angering the owners.
The how was a double-barreled Boss shotgun he'd used to shoot pigeons.
A Wimbledon spokesperson subsequently announced that they had reneged on their policy, and that the All England Club would no longer shoot pigeons.
It must be Jack again, shooting pigeons.
Walden himself thought Whitman was there to shoot pigeons.
Lépine owned an air rifle as a teenager, which he used to shoot pigeons near his home with his friend.
They shot pigeons belonging to villagers, angering the owners.
In February 2012 an animal rights group used a MikroKopter to film hunters shooting pigeons in South Carolina.
He went on to win major contests shooting live pigeons, a more difficult feat.