Widget is a platformer casting players as an alien who shoots pellets out of a gun.
Originally, the guns shot lead pellets, but were replaced with infra-red light rifles due to the maintenance costs of repainting the targets almost every night.
The bleeding is stopped by shooting tiny pellets into the bleeding vessel.
The Owls can shoot pellets from their mouths and perform sonic attacks.
Why would you shoot pellets at people who go into burning buildings to rescue people?
All eight pottery elephants shot pellets at once.
Airsoft RC tanks have small working turrets which shoot plastic pellets.
The gun mechanism is usually spring-loaded and can shoot pellets up to 50 feet in distance.
Yep, we might be sitting out here in the open with him shooting lead pellets at us, but we've got him just where we want him!
Trump carries a cane which shoots pellets from one end, and has a taser (electrical "stun-tip") at the other.