Afterwards, he shot both police officers in an attempt to cover up the rape, robbery, and theft of the car.
During the landing of the fish, Hemingway used a Thompson machine gun to shoot the sharks in an attempt to ward them off.
During fights with sand creatures, she will also shoot arrows in an attempt to assist the player.
In an act of desperation, lacking money and food, he shoots his geese in an attempt to provide dinner.
She was shot in an attempt to prevent the information from leaking, and was put into a coma.
Official declarations later claimed he had been shot in an attempt to escape.
He was found to have shot himself in an attempt to play Russian roulette.
Women and children attempting to buy food were frequently shot at by Bosnian Serb snipers in an attempt to create terror.
General Lekhanya said he shot the man in an attempt to rescue a woman in distress.