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They're shonky - plenty of capital, but they don't care particularly who their clients are.
However, he thought the "expensive-looking locations are let down by shonky special effects".
I'm pretty sure that most of our details are already out there what with shonky PC security and all.
The shonky calendar control is more of a bugbear for my usage and lifestyle.
Maybe his scams now are only political ones, but he made his money originally with some shonky development deals.
It was ever so slightly shonky somehow.
Why can't we have words like "shonky"?
You would have though that Charles would try to play down such unbelievably shonky journalism, not highlight it in an end of year review!
Great article, lets hear more about it, let the stone remain turned over, let the light illuminate these shonky medieval practices.
'He was too unreliable, I always had the feeling that if he could make money on a shonky deal, he would.'
(i.e. those blokes who push flyers for shonky pizza through your door)
'We think Mr. Belgarda and his companies may be involved in some shonky business.'
Nobody's interested in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - the umpteenth instalment of this shonky spy series?
Estonia, it must be said, were pretty shonky last weekend, and this is surely the night when the Irish can put the handball of Thierry Henry behind them.
Others on the drive include the shonky Corky; British former sailor, Sinbad; aboriginal stockmen, Nipper and Jackie.
In regards to your point about quizzing her on whether she'll stand again I think Kira addresses that quite clearly in her shortcuts blog (sorry posted shonky link earlier).
The reviewer praised the "forward thinking" environment interaction, but ultimately decided to give the game a middling score, saying "for all its bold ideas, the basic platforming mechanic is pretty shonky".
Realising he's been done-over by the crooked Farkas, Danny and his mates hatch a plan to get revenge over the shonky car salesman and hopefully win back the hand of the lovely Joanna.
I'm not much good to the MR on the hills nowadays due to shonky knees but I'd be happy to help out with the admin of such a scheme for my local MR team.
Two brilliant editors, Nature's Charlotte Stoddart, and the band's video producer Dave Holloway took those songs, and all that shonky footage, and made it better than I ever could have imagined.
That we are not outraged that these shonky business people (look up the term "Holywood Accounting") have the ear of politicians and journalists (who publish their PR misinformation without critique) is a tragedy.
But "theatre" seems too genteel a word and Haunted House - with its suggestions of shonky pop-up ghouls - a misleading term for an experience that's more Abu Ghraib than Scooby Doo.
Classic stories have been pointlessly remade as shonky star vehicles, like that Tom Cruise version of War Of The Worlds, or Shia LaBeouf's lightweight North By Northwest do-over, Eagle Eye.
Today Tonight is notorious for its sensationalist reporting, and is an example of tabloid television where stories rotate around community issues i.e. diet fads, miracle cures, welfare cheats, shonky builders, negligent doctors, poorly run businesses and corrupt government officials.