She takes very small steps and wears traditional wooden shoes called okobo which stand nearly ten centimeters high.
Nike announced last month that it would market a shoe called Air Swoopes.
Among the only four creations, which were available in a wide range of colours, was a shoe called ZIP.
The company tried to compete with a shoe called Pro-Keds, but sales were lackluster.
Now there is an actual category of athletic shoes called "low performance."
Similar shoes, called slides, were introduced in the early 1990s, except that slides are open-toed versions of mules.
The socks were traditionally black, and they were worn with shoes called "opinga", made of different animals' skin.
The result was a handmade shoe called "6 ounces," which sold for up to $175 at a time when quality women's shoes cost about $45 a pair.
Even Newsweek chimed in last week with an item on shoes called Land Rovers.
In 2004, they launched a second line of high-end shoes called Zappos Couture.