"The evilness of this system is that it promotes shoddy treatment of the cases by encouraging incomplete review," Mr. Bierman said.
The revelations have flushed out disturbing complaints about shoddy treatment throughout the military and the veterans' medical system and about a hostile process for determining disability benefits.
A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts.
The tone for an adversary relationship between company and dealers has been set, I think, by shoddy treatment of the dealer body.
The shoddy treatment from CBS reinforces in young women's minds that the sports they play are not as important as the sports men play.
But for all of her creature comforts, Ms. Bies is angry about what she calls shoddy treatment in recent years.
They all deserve better than the bad faith and shoddy treatment they are receiving from the highest officials of their government.
Cowdrey was placed in charge, which he accepted reluctantly due to the shoddy treatment of his friend and predecessor.
Despite his shoddy treatment of her, she took pity on him and invited him in.
The British people are fighting back against the shoddy treatment with which we have put up for so long.