The sculpture endured vandalism, neglect, shoddy repairs and a biblical array of seasonal temperature fluctuations.
And those who can afford to buy chairs themselves have no redress for defective chairs or shoddy repairs, said Ms. Healey.
However, you wouldn't expect a provider to pay for a shoddy repair that they have to fix again in several months.
This time, it was me going up in a ship with shoddy repairs and bad parts.
Even with its shoddy repair, or perhaps because of it, the book had remained one of Janice's childhood treasures.
But shoddy repairs are not the only cause of aging.
Today, the Azadi Tower is subject "to neglect and shoddy repairs, and suffers from extensive internal water damage."
Among the problems were bad wiring, leaky pipes, deferred maintenance, shoddy repairs and a boiler held together by wire.
I saw Jamie frown at it, with the craftsman's disdain for a shoddy repair.
The entranceways are in fair condition despite perceptible light fixture changes and shoddy repairs.