He has said in the past that he is a scapegoat for shoddy medical practices at the hospital.
"If there were shoddy practices, then you resent them," he said.
Justifiable perhaps, but in Buchanan's view, shoddy practice.
This lack of patience leaves you vulnerable to unsound decisions and shoddy practices.
But even if they are true, it is the White House that stands immediately guilty of shoddy practices.
It was a time of speculation-of instant fortunes and shoddy practices.
But he provides a genuine service by bringing together in one volume so many of the shoddy practices to be found in the wine business.
In theory, the architects and engineers have little reason to tolerate shoddy practices because they could lose their licenses if a calamity occurs.
If the team knew how to do the job on time and on budget, many of these shoddy practices would be unnecessary.
As I described in first reading, presently consumers are unaware of some shoddy practices going on in this sector.