Documents declassified after the collapse of the Soviet Union revealed problems with the construction of the reactor and complaints of shoddy equipment.
Soviet oil output is hobbled by worker slowdowns, shoddy equipment, high production costs and environmental pressures.
New York Waterway has also recently become the object of commuter complaints about poor service and shoddy equipment.
How can Starfleet even allow this incompetent fool to run such shoddy equipment on board one of its stations?
Amtrak argued that the manufacturers produced shoddy equipment and an outdated interior design, all behind schedule.
But the Coast Guard also discovered shoddy lifesaving equipment and sections of hull weakened by corrosion.
Horatio shows Megan what appears to be shoddy equipment from the plane.
The scandal of using shoddy equipment infuriated Berman, and he saw a business opportunity to do what the government was failing to do: protect troops.
But then you're stuck with basically shoddy equipment.
Workers, they said, were blamed for accidents even when shoddy equipment or inadequate training was the real cause.