From its windows, Waverly looked at shoddy buildings that appeared dilapidated even in the dimout.
Towering above this batch of shoddy buildings was the Point's famed landmark, the old lighthouse.
But the mayor's office does fault the governor's office for not doing enough to prevent shoddy public buildings from going up.
Labour no more caused the economic crisis than shoddy buildings cause earthquakes.
Remember those shoddy buildings you put up on Shemali?
And then ..." He made a gesture toward Cardinal, as if pointing out a shoddy building he wouldn't even attempt to sell.
Insurance writers say lessened standards and inevitable shoddy building will only drive up insurance rates.
Rome and all she stood for would fall down like a shoddy building in an earthquake.
Clifford Chance is committed to moving next year out of its half-dozen shoddy buildings into a shiny box, still under construction, on London Wall.
Left to their own devices, it is alleged, businessmen would attempt to sell unsafe food and drugs, fraudulent securities, and shoddy buildings.