Her face shone and her teeth were shockingly white against the dark of her skin.
Echewa had begun to turn away, but at Ebert's words he turned back, then came across, facing Ebert, his shockingly white eyes suddenly intent.
She was tidy, with hair shockingly white and gloriously styled.
His face went shockingly white and he clutched hard at the saddle horn.
The skin of his back was shockingly white; even the few Lusos who were light-complected enough to be called loiros were much darker-skinned.
The young man stumbled in, shockingly white and gasping for breath.
She was wearing nothing but her underwear, and her skin was shockingly white against the lacy black she'd chosen.
A tight crooked smile appears, showing teeth shockingly white and even for one so old as Ashtaar.
The skin was shockingly white, like exposed bone.
He had shockingly white hair and pale blue eyes, clearly of some Nordic descent.