If that seems like a shockingly large number, it's mainly because milk naturally contains hormones passed along from cows.
If many gums are infected, the amount of damaged tissue open to invasion can be shockingly large.
The payoff to the swashbuckling traders, by the standards of the time, was shockingly large.
I've been thinking about this and I reckon not for a shockingly large percentage of graduates which surprises me.
This may seem shockingly large, and on one level it is.
They started up, snarling and displaying shockingly large fangs.
Cutting one's personal carbon footprint by shockingly large amounts is not that tough.
Everyone agrees, however, that a shockingly large percentage is wasted in transit and storage.
Indeed, that is one of the reasons why such a shockingly large amount of people stayed away from the European elections.