The entire process of legally buying marijuana had been shockingly easy.
Fortunately, the humans had many enemies, and those enemies were shockingly easy to bribe.
The Miami Hurricanes would prefer not to discuss the news-agency polls, which, depending on one's view, rewarded or targeted them after their shockingly easy 31-0 defeat of Florida State.
This proved shockingly easy.
If you don't have the equipment to record an MP3, check out blogtalkradio to find a shockingly easy way to do it with a phone.
For example, it's shockingly easy to focus and aim the image, thanks to a pair of levers on top - one for projection size, one for focusing.
The expected crushing run, the one so familiar from a season of shockingly easy victories, did not materialize.
Gameplanet called it "shockingly easy" and claimed that upgrades gained through the honor system made the protagonist invincible rather than stronger.
Even South Beach traffic on a Saturday night, once a snarl of Lexuses, Porsches and Ferraris, was tame, with parking spaces shockingly easy to come by.
Boston's shockingly easy 117-101 victory sent New York to the All-Star Game break with a dismal 20-27 record.